
6/23 FuckUp Nights Tokyo Vol. 7 - Success means Failing Again and Again! 失敗も何度も繰り返せば、成功となる!

Thu, 23 Jun 2016 19:00 - 21:30 JST

Impact HUB Tokyo

2-11-3 Meguro, Meguro-ku, Tokyo


Registration is closed

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¥1,000 prepaid / ¥2,000 at the door
Beer & Pizza Included (Prepaid Tickets are handled through PayPal, No Refunds Possible)


FuckUp Nights Tokyo is back for Volume 7 on Thursday June 23rd! Our previous volume in April was a great success so we are already excited to be inspired by the next FuckUp stories about failure and the lessons learned from them. Make sure to get your prepaid ticket for the event and save a 1000 yen! See you all in June!

FuckUp Nights Tokyoは6月23日木曜に第7回となるイベントを開催します!前回のイベントでは登壇者から素晴らしく、励みとなった「FuckUp ストーリー」を聞かせていただき、大変盛り上がりました。今回の第7回のイベントも「FuckUpストーリー」からの価値のある学びを聞けるのを楽しみにしております。皆さん、今回も是非ご参加ください!

Speakers Wanted! 登壇者募集中!
We are looking for speakers who would like to share their stories with our audience! Do you have a project that went down south, a business deal that fell through, or any other type of story you can share with us, please join us on stage! Speaker applications can be send through the following form: Tell us your FuckUp Story!


About FuckUp Nights

FuckUp Nights is a global movement that started in Mexico in 2012 and has spread to +100 cities in more than 35 countries around the world. The concept of FuckUp Nights is simple: breaking away from the stigmas surrounding (business) ‘failure’. The lessons we can learn from failure are often more valuable and interesting than stories about success. The majority of startups and professionals don’t create ‘the project of year’ on their first attempt, yet we rarely hear about their failures in books, magazines or at events. FuckUp Nights wants to change that by organizing events where people are able to come together, network, share, learn and celebrate stories about business failure. Want to know more details? Check out our online facebook community!

FuckUp Nightsとは
FuckUp Nightsは、2012年にメキシコで始まったグローバルムーブメントです。現在は世界中35カ国、100都市以上に広がっています。FuckUp Nightsのコンセプトは、ビジネス上の「失敗」を取り巻くタブーを取り除くこと。私たちは、どんな輝かしい成功秘話よりも、生身の失敗談からの学びの方がより価値があり、役に立つものだと考えます。通常、スタートアップなどのビジネスにおいて、最初の挑戦がすぐさま優れたプロジェクトになることはなかなかありませんが、私たちが失敗について耳にすることはほとんどありません。FuckUp Nightsでは、人々が集まり、交流し、学びをシェアし、ビジネス上での失敗を価値あるものとして受け入れるようなオープンなイベントを開催していくことで、失敗を恥とするカルチャーを変えていきたいと考えています。詳細・最新情報を知りたい方は、ぜひ専用Facebookページをご覧ください!

Why join FuckUp Nights Tokyo?

We would like to invite all (aspiring) entrepreneurs, freelancers and professionals who want to hear, share, discuss and celebrate stories about business failure. We offer you an opportunity to freely discuss the concept of failure, and learn from the experiences of others; all in a cozy and casual setting. This will be a great opportunity for you to meet new like-minded people and have a chance to share issues that you do usually not tend to discuss at other events.

FuckUp Nights Tokyoに参加する理由
FuckUp Nights Tokyoでは、ビジネス上での失敗談を聞くこと、議論すること、共有することに価値を感じる起業家、フリーランス、ビジネスパーソンが多く参加しています。FuckUp Nights Tokyoは、参加者同士がカジュアルで安心できる環境で、失敗にまつわるコンセプトの自由な議論や、他の人の経験からの学びを得る機会を提供します。これによって、似たような考えや価値観をもつ人々と交わる機会や、他のイベントではなかなか話せないようなトピックなども話すことができる良い機会となります。

The Fuck Up Nights Event Format

The format of every FuckUp Nights is simple: 3 or 4 people take the stage to share their FuckUp stories, followed by a Q&A, and ending with time to network. The presenters tell their story through 10 images, each projected for exactly 40 seconds. The stories are always structured in the following way:

1) What was your project?
2) What went wrong?
3) What did you learn?
4) What would you do differently?

FuckUp Nightsのイベントフォーマット
FuckUp Nightsでは、3-4人のスピーカーのストーリーシェア+Q&Aの時間と、最後にネットワークの時間があります。スピーカーは、それぞれのストーリーを40秒毎に自動的に変わる10枚のスライドショーでストーリーを話していきます。ストーリースライドは毎回以下の4つの要素で構成されます:

Speaker Profiles スピーカーのプロフィール情報
1. Eric Wang エリック・ワン氏

Eric is from Silicon Valley, California and is the CEO of his family's private school since he was 17. He had always wanted to start his own start up and now 10 years later, he has become a startup CEO of two different technology based companies. The first one is Scholarpost, an educational information hub, and the second is Monita, an native advertising marketplace.

Eric did not have much experience in technology development however, which resulted in spending 13 months with 2 engineers and $20,000 dollars spent with no usable technology to start a company. Join FuckUp Nights Tokyo to find out how he overcame this long and expensive fuckup to put himself in a position to succeed with his companies in both America and Asia.


しかし、技術的なバックグラウンドがなかった彼は、会社を始める際に2人のエンジニアを雇ったものの、開発に13ヶ月もの期間を費やし、また、使い物にならない技術に日本円で約200万円超を投じてしまったそうです。今回のFuckUp Nights Vol.7では、この時間的・資金的ロスを彼がどう克服し、アメリカ・アジア地域の両方で事業が成功するまでにどういたったのかについてのストーリーをシェアしてくれます。

2. Etsuro Naruse 成瀬 悦朗氏

Etsuro wears two hats. He works as a sports event coordinator and as a contents business consultant. As a sports event coordinator, he has been deeply involved in several world class motor sports championships such as Formula 1, Moto GP and WTCC since 2007. Working as a contents business consultant, Etsuro has gained over 20 years of experience in this field and has been involved in a lot of projects for many companies such as: SKY PerfecTV, SquareEnix and Yomiuri television.

During Fuckup Nights Vol. 7 Etsuro will share his experience of working for SKY PerfecTV on a video-on-demand project in early days of 2000. He was the project leader and was confident that he could make the project a success. However, he encountered many unexpected obstacles which he needed to overcome. What these obstacles were and how Etsuro dealt with them, he will share with us during the 7th volume of FuckUp Nights Tokyo.


Fuckup Night Vol.7 では、2000年当時、黎明期にあったビデオonデマンドプロジェクトについての経験をシェアしてくれます。プロジェクトリーダーとして仕事をしていた彼は、プロジェクトを成功に導く自信がありました。しかし、想定外の事態が次々に彼を襲いました。それが何だったのか?そして困難を乗り越えるために彼がやった事とは?Fuckup Night Vol.7でその内容が明かされます

3. Tim Romero ティム・ロメロ氏

Tim Romero is a Tokyo-based entrepreneur, podcaster and author who has started several companies since coming to Japan more than 20 years ago. Tim also hosts the Disrupting Japan podcast and is deeply involved in Japan's startup community as an investor, founder and mentor.
With funding on the table, a solid product in beta and a good team by his side, he decided to pull the plug on my startup. This is not a feel good story about bouncing back after a terrible setback. It's the story of what he chose to do when he realized that he has fucked up before anyone else realized it, and the sequence of events that made the screw up obvious.

ティム・ロメロ氏は、東京を拠点に、これまで20年間にわたり複数の企業を立ち上げてきた起業家・ポッドキャスター・著者です。ロメロ氏は、ポッドキャストにて「Distrupting Japan」というポッドキャストを運営しており、投資家・創業者・メンターとしても、日本のスタートアップコミュニティに精通しています。ロメロ氏は過去に、投資家からの資金、β版のプロダクト、良いチームが揃った状態で、事業を中止しました。今回話されるストーリーは、どん底から元気に立ち直っていく耳障りのよい話ではありません。彼が、他の誰もが気づく前に、自らの失敗について気づいた時、何を選択し、行動したか、また明確になった一連のしくじりの出来事についてもシェアしてくれます。

Impact HUB Tokyo as the Official FuckUp Nights Tokyo Venue

Impact HUB Tokyo is proud to be the official venue for FuckUp Nights in Tokyo. Impact HUB Tokyo is part innovation lab, business incubator and coworking space where a community of (social) entrepreneurs gathers, connects and exchanges knowledge and ideas. As Impact HUB Tokyo, we share the vision with the global FuckUp Nights movement that the societal taboo surrounding failure needs to be broken. We host this event as a bimonthly series.

Want to know more about us? Check out our website:
開催団体:Impact HUB Tokyoについて
Impact HUB Tokyoは、FuckUp Nights Tokyoの公式開催団体です。
Impact HUB Tokyoとは、イノベーションラボ、ビジネスインキュベーション、コワーキングスペースの機能を併せ持ち、起業家が集まり、つながり、知識やアイディアを共有するコミュニティスペースとなっています。Impact HUB Tokyoでは、FuckUp Nightsムーブメントが掲げる「失敗を取り巻く社会的なタブーを打ち壊す」という強いビジョンに共感し、FuckUp Nights Tokyoを隔月に一回開催しています。
Impact HUB Tokyoについてもっと知りたい方は、こちらのリンクをご覧ください:

About this community

FuckUp Nights Tokyo

FuckUp Nights Tokyo

Failure Sucks, but Instruct! FuckUp Nights is a community of people who share the experiences and learnings from their business failures.

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