
FuckUp Nights Tokyo Vol. 6 ( April 14th, Thursday ) - True Failure is Failing without Learning 本当の失敗は、学びのない失敗だ

Thu, 14 Apr 2016 19:00 - 21:30 JST

Impact HUB Tokyo

2-11-3 Meguro, Meguro-ku, Tokyo


Registration is closed

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¥1,000 prepaid / ¥2,000 at the door
Beer & Pizza Included (Prepaid Tickets are handled through PayPal, No Refunds Possible)


FuckUp Nights Tokyo returns on April 14th for its sixth volume, which will simultaneously be the first year anniversary of the event! Impact HUB Tokyo started hosting FuckUp Nights Tokyo on April 2015 and up to date over 250 people have and joined us in the audience and 16 people have taken the stage to share their failure stories with us. As Impact HUB Tokyo we would like to thank all of those who have been part of this community, and we look forward to let this community grow even further! Join us for FuckUp Nights Vol. VI and be inspired by the next stories about business failure and the important lessons learned from them.

FuckUp Nights Tokyoは4月14日木曜に第6回となるイベントを開催します!去年4月で開催から1周年を記念して、今回からはストーリーを日本語でシェアしたい方も大歓迎です!これまで1年間を通して250名超の参加者、16名のスピーカーが登壇し彼らの「FuckUpストーリー」をシェアしてくれています。コミュニティに参加してくださっている全ての人に感謝すると主に、今後もコミュニティを一緒に発展させていきたいと思います。次回の第6回FuckUp Nights Tokyoでの新たなビジネスでの「FuckUpストーリー」と、そこからの価値のある学びをぜひ聞きにいらしてください。

Speakers Wanted! 登壇者募集中!
We are looking for speakers who would like to share their stories with our audience! Do you have a project that went down south, a business deal that fell through, or any other type of story you can share with us, please join us on stage! Speaker applications can be send through the following form: Tell us your FuckUp Story!


About FuckUp Nights

FuckUp Nights is a global movement that started in Mexico in 2012 and has spread to +100 cities in more than 35 countries around the world. The concept of FuckUp Nights is simple: breaking away from the stigmas surrounding (business) ‘failure’. The lessons we can learn from failure are often more valuable and interesting than stories about success. The majority of startups and professionals don’t create ‘the project of year’ on their first attempt, yet we rarely hear about their failures in books, magazines or at events. FuckUp Nights wants to change that by organizing events where people are able to come together, network, share, learn and celebrate stories about business failure. Want to know more details? Check out our online facebook community!

FuckUp Nightsとは

FuckUp Nightsは、2012年にメキシコで始まったグローバルムーブメントです。現在は世界中35カ国、100都市以上に広がっています。FuckUp Nightsのコンセプトは、ビジネス上の「失敗」を取り巻くタブーを取り除くこと。私たちは、どんな輝かしい成功秘話よりも、生身の失敗談からの学びの方がより価値があり、役に立つものだと考えます。通常、スタートアップなどのビジネスにおいて、最初の挑戦がすぐさま優れたプロジェクトになることはなかなかありませんが、私たちが失敗について耳にすることはほとんどありません。FuckUp Nightsでは、人々が集まり、交流し、学びをシェアし、ビジネス上での失敗を価値あるものとして受け入れるようなオープンなイベントを開催していくことで、失敗を恥とするカルチャーを変えていきたいと考えています。詳細・最新情報を知りたい方は、ぜひ専用Facebookページをご覧ください!

Why join FuckUp Nights Tokyo?

We would like to invite all (aspiring) entrepreneurs, freelancers and professionals who want to hear, share, discuss and celebrate stories about business failure. We offer you an opportunity to freely discuss the concept of failure, and learn from the experiences of others; all in a cozy and casual setting. This will be a great opportunity for you to meet new like-minded people and have a chance to share issues that you do usually not tend to discuss at other events.

FuckUp Nights Tokyoに参加する理由
FuckUp Nights Tokyoでは、ビジネス上での失敗談を聞くこと、議論すること、共有することに価値を感じる起業家、フリーランス、ビジネスパーソンが多く参加しています。FuckUp Nights Tokyoは、参加者同士がカジュアルで安心できる環境で、失敗にまつわるコンセプトの自由な議論や、他の人の経験からの学びを得る機会を提供します。これによって、似たような考えや価値観をもつ人々と交わる機会や、他のイベントではなかなか話せないようなトピックなども話すことができる良い機会となります。

The Fuck Up Nights Event Format

The format of every FuckUp Nights is simple: 3 or 4 people take the stage to share their FuckUp stories, followed by a Q&A, and ending with time to network. The presenters tell their story through 10 images, each projected for exactly 40 seconds. The stories are always structured in the following way:

1) What was your project?
2) What went wrong?
3) What did you learn?
4) What would you do differently?

FuckUp Nightsのイベントフォーマット
FuckUp Nightsでは、3-4人のスピーカーのストーリーシェア+Q&Aの時間と、最後にネットワークの時間があります。スピーカーは、それぞれのストーリーを40秒毎に自動的に変わる10枚のスライドショーでストーリーを話していきます。
Speaker Profiles スピーカーのプロフィール情報

1. Brian Higdon

Brian is a writer, director, and producer of promotional videos, documentaries, and narrative entertainment in various forms. His work has aired on PBS (America), garnered several awards, and screened at numerous festivals including South By Southwest, Slamdance, Sidewalk, and Palm Springs. He has created films in both English and Japanese, for Japanese and American brands. He splits his time residing in New York and Tokyo.

Directing actors is hard. Directing dogs is even harder. Brian will tell us a story of working with untrained dogs on a short promotional video he wrote and directed last year. Through the many mistakes he made during production, Brian will discuss the lessons he learned: do your homework, recognize when something is not working, and most importantly, be willing to adapt.


今回のFuckUp Nightsでは、彼が昨年脚本を制作し、監督を務めた短編プロモーションビデオで、きちんとしつけられていない犬と一緒に働いた時の話をシェアします。また、これまで映像制作を通して経験してきた多くのFuckUpの中から、彼が見出した「宿題はさぼらないこと」「何かがうまく機能していないことに気づくこと」また、もっとも重要である「その環境に適応すること」という3つのキー・ポイントについて話します。

2. Ikue Uchida

Ikue works with companies that focus on creating social impact in developing countries. Through her experience working for a management consulting company and a support organization for international cooperation, she wanted to work on providing practical solutions to social issues, so that is why in 2011 Ikue decided to pursue a career in consultancy services to Japanese corporations. She has been working together with corporations, NGOs and government organizations in countries like: Kenya, Zambia, Bangladesh, Bhutan in order to provide support to people in low income groups.

If the purpose and goal of project are clearly set and all stakeholders involved are on the same page, things can progress fast and smoothly. However, when this essential step is overlooked, a project will lose it momentum quite quickly. This is what Ikue learned during her first project related to social impact, and she will share the main takeaways from this project with us. In addition, she will also give us her insights on the difficulty of setting a common goal with stakeholders who have a different set of values, as well as how your own resourcefulness lead to the success of a project.



3. Yutaka Iimori

Through his many years of experience working in the field of IT as an account manager, Yutaka
started working for the American internet advertising company NetGravite (currently Google) in 1997, where he worked as Japan Director in charge of laying the groundwork for the internet advertising business in Japan. In 1999 he started working for Ogilvy & Mather Japan as interactive director, in charge of the global digital branding of companies like IBM, SAP, Amex and Nestle. In September 2007 Yutaka started his own digital marketing company called ‘Digital Surf’. He is currently creating marketing strategies and websites for both B2B and B2C companies. In addition, Yutaka is also researching community design and B-Corp adaption in rural areas of Japan.

During his time in high school and university, Yutaka belonged to a sport club and didn’t do much studying. After graduating, his father quit his corporate job and started a coffee shop, at which he worked for 4 and a half years before selling it off. At that time, Yutaka started working as an inspector at a giant electrical manufacturing company for which he had to cycle 20 kilometers to work (one way). 5 years later he changed jobs and worked for a foreign company that manufactured different types of measuring devices, even though Yutaka could not really speak English. Despite this, he went to North Carolina for a 3 week job training and somehow managed to communicate and improve his English. Yutaka has been job hopping between various foreign companies and decided to start his own company 8 years ago. He will share a story with us about the succession of successes and failures in his ‘Jet Coaster’ life. Rather than going for a steady life, Yutaka has decided that the wants to walk on the wilde side of life.

長年IT業界でアカウントマネジャーとして経験を経て、1997年にインターネット広告黎明期に米国NetGravite社(現Google社)に入社。Japan Directorとして日本のインターネット広告ビジネスの基盤を電通と構築した。1999年からOgilvy & Mather Japanにてインターラクティブディレクターとして入社IBM、SAP、Amex、Nestle等のグローバルデジタルブランドを担当。退職後、2007年9月デジタルマーケティング企業であるデジタルサーフ株式会社を起業した。現在、B2B及びB2C企業等をクライアントにデジタルマーケティング戦略立案やプランニング、WEBサイト構築等をメインにビジネスを展開している。また、別事業部として、地域でのコミュニティデザインやB-Corpの日本へのアダプテーションを研究している。

高校、大学時代は体育会に所属。勉強はまったくしなかった。卒業後、父親が脱サラし喫茶店を出店し廃業売却後するまで4年半店長としてコーヒーを入れ続けていた。当時、縁がありソフトウエア会社の契約社員として大手電機メーカーの工場で働き始め検査要員として寝泊まり通勤片道20Kの道を自転車で通勤。五年後、なぜか外資系の測定器メーカーに転職。英語もまったく話せないくせにノースキャロライナに3週間研修に行き天性のコミュニュケーション力で英語をなんとなく話せる様になり外資系の企業をジョブホッピングし8年前に起業。ここまで来た成功と失敗の連続。まさに、Jet Coaster人生。平坦の道を歩いて行くより、コンパス持ってWild side を歩いた方が楽しいに決まっている!の話。

4. Hisao Ihara

After working as a video artist for over 20 years in the US, Hisao returned to Japan in 2013 after he learned that his father needed to be hospitalized. Back in Japan, Hisao started working as a kindergarten principal in a small town in Hokkaido, where his mother worked as a board chairman. Through this work, Hisao discovered his passion for education, but he also learned that there was a big gap between the current form of education and the way he envisions it. He was to notice how some of his colleagues thought about education. After 3 years of working as a kindergarten principal, he was suddenly let go in early 2016. The learnings from this experience are actually not completely clear to him yet, but Hisao hopes that he can get some meaningful insights from the audience during FuckUp Nights Vol. VI.


Impact HUB Tokyo as the Official FuckUp Nights Tokyo Venue

Impact HUB Tokyo is proud to be the official venue for FuckUp Nights in Tokyo. Impact HUB Tokyo is part innovation lab, business incubator and coworking space where a community of (social) entrepreneurs gathers, connects and exchanges knowledge and ideas. As Impact HUB Tokyo, we share the vision with the global FuckUp Nights movement that the societal taboo surrounding failure needs to be broken. We host this event as a bimonthly series.

Want to know more about us? Check out our website:
開催団体:Impact HUB Tokyoについて
Impact HUB Tokyoは、FuckUp Nights Tokyoの公式開催団体です。
Impact HUB Tokyoとは、イノベーションラボ、ビジネスインキュベーション、コワーキングスペースの機能を併せ持ち、起業家が集まり、つながり、知識やアイディアを共有するコミュニティスペースとなっています。Impact HUB Tokyoでは、FuckUp Nightsムーブメントが掲げる「失敗を取り巻く社会的なタブーを打ち壊す」という強いビジョンに共感し、FuckUp Nights Tokyoを隔月に一回開催しています。
Impact HUB Tokyoについてもっと知りたい方は、こちらのリンクをご覧ください:

About this community

FuckUp Nights Tokyo

FuckUp Nights Tokyo

Failure Sucks, but Instruct! FuckUp Nights is a community of people who share the experiences and learnings from their business failures.

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