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FuckUp Nights Tokyo is back for Volume 24.5 on Thursday April 28th! Our previous volume in May 2021 was a blast so we are already excited to be inspired by the next FuckUp stories about failure and the lessons learned from them.
This time, we will be partnering with Venture Café Tokyo to present as part of their weekly #ThursdayGathering.
Thank you to Venture Café for allowing us to join their event! As they are sponsoring the event, tickets will be free this time.
About FuckUp Nights
FuckUp Nights is a global movement that started in Mexico in 2012 and has spread to 250+ cities in more than 80+ countries around the world. The concept of FuckUp Nights is simple: breaking away from the stigmas surrounding (business) ‘failure’. The lessons we can learn from failure are often more valuable and interesting than stories about success. The majority of startups and professionals don’t create ‘the project of year’ on their first attempt, yet we rarely hear about their failures in books, magazines or at events. FuckUp Nights wants to change that by organizing events where people are able to come together, network, share, learn and celebrate stories about business failure. Want to know more details? Check out our online facebook community!
Why join FuckUp Nights Tokyo?
We would like to invite all (aspiring) entrepreneurs, freelancers and professionals who want to hear, share, discuss and celebrate stories about business failure. We offer you an opportunity to freely discuss the concept of failure, and learn from the experiences of others; all in a cozy and casual setting. This will be a great opportunity for you to meet new like-minded people and have a chance to share issues that you do usually not tend to discuss at other events.
The Fuck Up Nights Event Format
The format of every FuckUp Nights is simple: 3 or 4 people take the stage to share their FuckUp stories, followed by a Q&A, and ending with time to network. The presenters tell their story with their slides in 7 minutes. The stories are always structured in the following way:
1) What was your project?
2) What went wrong?
3) What did you learn?
4) What would you do differently?
A third culture individual, Dao has been privileged to immerse in multiple cultures and make the best of these experiences- as the saying goes- when life gives you lemons, make the best lemonade out of it.
I was made in China, assembled in Peru, got manual instructions from the UK and USA, and now I am still a work in progress.
Back to the lemonade quote- this is somewhat incomplete, there is no why nor how to get there, or what to do in a season where the lemons turn out really sour?
As a second generation of immigrants, I was somewhat obsessed with carrying this responsibility and fulfilling my duty of a good daughter (in my own asian standards) to have a good education, career, and financial stability that my parents worked so hard for me.
What happens when you take a leap of faith and your entire belief system of "success" is shaken. Wait a minute, what is "success"?
I hope that with my story, we can be more accepting of what each of us is trying to accomplish in our own journey, have the bravery to question the social standards of success and build our own benchmark of it, and most importantly, have compassion and patience with ourselves in our own journey.
As an executive at EMC (now Dell EMC), Greenplum, and Pivotal Labs, Kani helped industry leaders transform the way they build software, drive customer success, innovate, and disrupt businesses across industries in multiple geographies.
Born in Japan and raised in Sri Lanka, Kani graduated from Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology with a degree in mechanical engineering, specializing in robotics. He worked in Japan and then the US for 18 years, before deciding to leave Pivotal to explore his passion for education by graduating from and working at Hack Reactor. He relocated to Tokyo from San Francisco in 2017 to co-found Code Chrysalis.
When asked what my biggest FuckUp was, I paused ... thought about it hard, and could not get a story out.
That got me thinking ... Am I a rare being that has never fucked up?
I soon realized how far from the truth that was.
I have been messing up all my life and I have learned how to move forward so much so that I conveniently forget about the whole incident. While this superpower has allowed me to make good traction on my goals, I sometimes find myself making the same mistakes again.
In my talk, I will tell about how I got thrown out of Goldman Sachs in New York and got laid off for not being aligned with management. What is the twist here? Well, some of those lessons I have learned are serving me well to this day.
Speakers Wanted! 登壇者募集中!
We are looking for speakers who would like to share their stories with our audience! Do you have a project that went down south, a business deal that fell through, or any other type of story you can share with us, please join us on stage! Speaker applications can be send through the following form: Tell us your FuckUp Story!
Vol 24.5's Sponsors:
Code Chrysalis](
Code Chrysalis is a coding school based in Tokyo with the only advanced full-stack software engineering bootcamp in Asia. In addition to our full-time bootcamp, we have two part-time programs---an introductory coding course and a part-time advanced full-stack software engineering course. We are creating and leading the third wave of coding bootcamps by preparing our students for engineering leadership. Our courses are unique in that they are designed to nurture not only strong technical skills, but also open communication skills, empathy, and versatile autonomy.
Venture Cafe
Venture Café Tokyo is a community where various innovators such as entrepreneurs, investors, researchers, and students gather, connect, and create innovation in society through various programs.
Failure Sucks, but Instruct! FuckUp Nights is a community of people who share the experiences and learnings from their business failures.
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